Showing posts with label create. Show all posts
Showing posts with label create. Show all posts

02 May, 2014

Getting Creative with Lite n' Easy

This post has absolutely nothing to do with cards or craft, I just felt like sharing :) If you find that you need to eat your Lite n' Easy microwave dinner during the day, you can still come home to a decent feed. Here's how:

Yesterday, my lunch item was the Roast Chicken Tender and Mayonnaise on a Round Roll. I chose to eat this at dinnertime instead as I needed something a little more hearty during the day to get me by.

I made this small bun into a decent meal by slicing it into four pieces:

Then I dug out some cheese I had left over from another meal. I have always loved cheese but have consciously never allowed myself to indulge in it. Then I sliced up the rest of a tomato I was supplied with the week's food (nothing goes to waste!):

I defrosted the frozen chicken tender in the microwave as per the instructions and sliced it into smaller pieces:

Then I cranked up the sandwich maker and started assembling my mini meal. Don't forget to use the mayonnaise provided and spread it onto each of your four slices. Place your slices 'mayonnaise-down' at the top. I always use foil to line the sandwich maker so there is no mess should some of cheese ooze out etc.:

And voila! I made two tasty little toasted sandwiches out of left-over ingredients (all part of my weekly food allocation). Once slightly cooled, I cut each one in half and enjoyed every morsel! It took longer to eat these toasted sandwich halves as opposed to one small chicken and mayo roll. If you think this was a helpful idea, please feel free to contact me.

10 January, 2014

Upcycled Wrapping Paper

Upcycled wrapping paper was used to make these cards

I am often taken aback by the people who like my market stall because of its jewellery items, most of which I hand bead, create and put together myself. My heart drops a little because I am actually a 'paper crafter'. When they just keep going on about the jewellery items, I point out that I really don't specialise in it and that I love making cards and stationery. They're always a little shocked and then take a polite, yet disinterested, glance at the handmade cards on display. It's strange to me how some people love the self-adorning aspect of jewellery, but don't really value the encouragement and care that can be expressed when giving someone else a special card. I have had to accept that some people simply don't get it. Of course, I still do keep doing jewellery items, as it helps pay the stall costs, but it really isn't my passion.

The cards above were made using old wrapping paper (from Holland) as the background design. I just love collecting interesting paper to use on my cards. Being 'Green Gifts', I am always trying to reclaim, reuse and upcycle as many materials as possible in my cardmaking. Being a bit of a hoarder, I don't like throwing out beautiful things that I know will make a unique, one-of-a-kind card. Recently, a wonderfully generous lady I know gave me hundreds of old, used greeting cards from the 60's, 70's and 80's. Printed greeting cards were made so beautifully then (they're nice today too, but different). The dry embossed surfaces and wet embossed titles in gold and silver are just exquisite, and I almost don't want to part with these beautiful cards. However, I have been upcycling them into new handmade cards, and this will continue for many years to come! How wonderful it is to be able to revive old cards and convert them into new, fresh cards! I really enjoy this creative process and I encourage you to give it a go too ;)

08 November, 2013

Love the Creative Life ♥

 View from our Paris apartment, June-July 2013

I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to explore my creativity on a daily basis. Sure, my house is rundown and nothing to be proud of, but this isn't always what truly matters in life. I found myself getting pulled into the trap of materialism many years ago, but recognised that it would ultimately stifle rather that fulfill me. Freedom is a wonderful feeling despite not having all the trappings that people here in Australia have come to expect for themselves. For example, I don't have a wide-screen digital TV, nor an iPhone, iPod or nice car (my car is 21 years old!) Believe it or not, you can get by, and rather happily too, without these things. I have a vintage mobile phone (doesn't accept picture messages & no internet connectivity), a laptop running Windows XP, and a fairly basic, yet good quality, compact digital camera. It's not what you have but how you use it!

This week I started a Photo Book of my recent trip to Europe. It's a slower process than scrapbooking and can drive you crazy at times! I've made a massive one before as a gift for my Mum on her 6oth Birthday. Took a year to put together! But the resultant, 100-page, professionally-printed book is wonderful to flick through. I think this one will end up being just as big. It's going a little quicker this time because I'm not having to gather together digital pics from family members. I'm just gradually working my way through the folders of the trip. It's so enjoyable to reminisce about the lovely sights, sounds and flavours of Europe. It would be great to return again and visit some different countries. Of course, I would love to see Paris again. It's such a creative, artistic and wonderful place. Loved every minute of being in that city! Good old-fashioned common sense and strong web-searching skills afforded us an amazing range of experiences that even the most cashed-up traveller would have been unlikely to see...

16 August, 2013

Back on the horse!

Since returning from overseas, it has been busy. That time away gave me the opportunity to mull things over and rethink my online stores a little. Hundreds of eBay members wasted my time last year with empty enquiries, some even trying to gain free digital files (the very nerve!) I had one or two tears over a couple of very shrewd time-wasters who tried to take advantage of me :( I am determined not to let this happen again...

My listings now state some clear 'Terms of Sale' and this is having the effect of deterring the non-serious buyers (yay!) I also have 'Genuine Enquiries Only' plastered all over my store. The time away allowed me to step back a little and reassess why I am doing this. I enjoy making things but I'm lucky to be working for $5.00 per hour (usually less). I really only want to deal with people who love my creative items and appreciate them :) It just becomes exceedingly unenjoyable otherwise.

The card here is the one I gave to my Uncle & Aunt for their 40th Wedding Anniversary in Holland. I got a little overexcited but it is an event truly worth celebrating. It was wonderful to meet up with some of my other relatives too. My Uncle & Aunt's children (my cousins) are so lovely, and it was great to meet their children too. May I encourage whoever is reading this to just drop everything and go away from time-to-time. It helps you to step back and think rationally about where your life is heading...

I still love doing this and felt very blessed last weekend when many of my handmade cards sold at my market stall. I received some very encouraging comments too :) It keeps me going. I don't post my best cards on this blog by any means. The www is just a place for others to take, take, take. But if you remember the cards you have bought before, I would be happy to remake them for you (as I have done for regular customers). Browsing the posts in this blog is a little futile, as it contains just a glimpse of the odd handmade card. I have 1000's of digital pics of designs I have made over the years. I'm only too happy to put together a custom order for you! Looking forward to hearing from you :)

25 July, 2013

Back from holidays!

Photos of French macarons I purchased in Paris

I've finally returned from being overseas to celebrate the 40th Wedding Anniversary of my Uncle and Aunt, alongside other relatives. It was a wonderful time and, in many ways, has fulfilled a lifelong dream to return to Holland, as well as visit Paris for the first time. 

I'm gradually getting back into the swing of things. Returning to doing my market stall began immediately and my online stores will be back up and running soon. Due to so many other commitments at present, I won't be doing my hobby business as 'full-ball' as I was. Making handmade, unique items gives me great joy, but it is also very time-consuming. I need to take some time out to complete home renovations, so will be aiming to merely cover costs in the near future (item materials, online store fees, PayPal charges, etc.).

Paris was a wonderful whirlwind of colour and design. I bought some lovely French papers and a few other gorgeous items which inspired me. I've already made a few greeting cards and look forward to creating more. Stay-tuned for piccies that will be posted on this blog. 

Photography, a great passion of mine, although I remain a novice, is something I experimented with further in Holland and Paris with my rudimentary digital camera. I managed to take a few unique shots, which will soon be made into photographic cards for my market stall. At $2.50 each, I hope they are well-received by my regular customers as well as visitors to the Blue Mountains.

At my market stall, I am trying to increase my range of handmade cards, so please pop in to check them out. Although I put a lot of effort into my handcrafted fashion jewellery items, cardmaking is what keeps the creativity flowing. Looking forward to seeing you soon :)

01 May, 2013

It's been a while...

Dry embossed, inked & hand cut lion motif adhered to folded A5 card

Thought I'd better add a post to let you know that I'm still here, busily making creative things. If you have seen something you would like to purchase in one of my online stores, or at my market stall, please feel free to contact me with your order enquiry. You can email me at the address listed on this site, via facebook, or via the contact form in my online store:

It's been a very busy year and, at the start (I must confess), I allowed myself to be bogged down by mindless eBay enquiries. Although it is excellent that eBay has such an open messaging system, it does encourage empty, time-wasting enquiries. I was spending up to 2 hours per day responding to these messages, only for majority of them to lead to nothing.

I soon tired of this and closed my store temporarily. Of late, I have been putting a lot more effort into my market stall here in the Blue Mountains. This has been so much more rewarding, and I have been selling a record number of handmade cards, which absolutely thrills me to bits! A card is like a mini artwork to me--anything is possible, and I like to think that every recipient feels a little bit of joy when receiving one.

With my eBay store closed at present, I actually feel quite relieved. I'm now receiving genuine enquiries through this site and my other online store. It has also been wonderful to receive ongoing orders from regular customers and via word-of-mouth. These are the customers I really appreciate--they like my products & prices, and respect the time that goes into making everything. Some eBay members think it's acceptable to send up to 50 emails over a simple order. It isn't! (even 10 messages is too many!) I am getting better at filtering out this kind of buyer, so I have more time to spend on alternative orders :)

Thanks to all of my previous and current customers for your ongoing support & communication :)

27 January, 2012

Unique Handmade Cards by Green Gifts

I arrived home this week to a very waterlogged hollow! It seems that the rain hasn't let up, which makes the markets scene quite challenging up here in the mountains (due to fewer tourists). Nevertheless, I have continued to push on and have made some lovely beaded necklaces and a few cards, ready for this weekend's markets. The card above is a one-of-kind, never-to-be-repeated design, made using reclaimed embroidered fabric. I would have liked to photograph it outside but it was just too misty, wet and dark (like something out of LOTR--quite beautiful, actually).

This type of card is my area of specialty because it does get a little monotonous remaking my popular designs from week-to-week. When I come across an interesting piece of paper or fabric, my creativity kicks in a little and these often become the tactile cards I truly love. This card also incoportates some hand drawn elements to give it that rustic touch. Because this card is extra special in terms of materials and design, I will be pricing it at $5.00. My handmade cards range from $1.50 to $6.00 and roughly reflect the effort and materials that go into them. My more expensive cards often take up to an hour to make, and are geared towards the most discerning of handmade card buyers.

12 December, 2011

Think handmade this Christmas!

Think handmade this Christmas! Christmas has become more commercialised of late, so why not inject a little bit of authenticism into your gifts, greetings and wrappings. One brochure I saw recently said, "Have yourself an organised Christmas!" Is this what Christmas has become--a frantic time of year that merely requires organisation and the hope for survival?

So, why not make your gifts stand out from the crowd. I will have handmade wrapping paper and gifts tags available as a pack this Sunday. For only $10, the pack includes 5 sheets (large size) of handmade wrapping paper and 10 gifts tags!

Handmade Christmas cards will also be available. Prices start at $2.00 per card. I try to make my Christmas cards as affordable as possible because of the quantity that people need at this time of year. My cards are suitable for posting and are particularly suitable for close friends and family who you'd like to make feel special. It is also nice to have that opportunity to write a special message inside each card, perhaps a quick summary of what you've appreciated in 2011 and blessings for the New Year.

I also have a lovely range of Christmas photographic cards for $3.00 each (example pictured above).

Even if it's raining, I look forward to your visit at my market stall this Sunday!

2011 - Year in Review

This year has passed by so quickly but, I'm happy to say, it has been a little easier than last. I'm trying to work smarter, rather than harder, and have gained more time for family and friends.

Despite the effect of the global economy on tourism in the Blue Mountains over the last couple of years, my sales have gradually been improving. I'm still classified as a hobbyist at this stage but intend to keep developing 'Green Gifts' as a business concept in 2012.

A number of customers have urged me to sell online, which is a huge undertaking to do properly, but I think it will be a worthwhile venture in the oncoming year. I still prefer face-to-face contact with customers at markets but the online world does have the potential for a much larger customer base.

A would love to approach some potential stockists in 2012 but this is dependent on having the time to create enough suitable stock (namely cards) before they're sold at the markets!

On that note, I do need to make a concerted effort to manage my time better in 2012. Which means less time on the internet and more time dedicated to organising/creating/working!

11 October, 2011

Why Buy Handmade Greeting Cards?

This card is hand: stamped, torn, inked, drawn (e.g. swirls & dots), coloured, cut, glued and embellished.

As I interact with customers, I am sometimes surprised by people's hesitancy to buy handmade greeting cards. What with the glut of commercial cards available in shops, there seems to be an inherent trust in overpriced factory-produced cards. I am trying to challenge this notion by providing affordable gifts and cards, handmade using quality materials, unusual techniques and unique designs.

Handmade cards are not mass-produced by a printing press. Each one is hand constructed and designed. Common cardmaking techniques used include hand: stamping, drawing, embossing, inking, painting, cutting, gluing, mounting and embellishing. If you have ever dabbled in cardmaking yourself, you start to realise just how much effort goes into one card and the number of steps needed to create the finished product. Each card is a miniature artwork which reflects the creator’s passion for originality, aesthetics and design.

When you buy handmade cards, you have the opportunity to communicate your personal style and message to the recipients, which will ultimately hold a deeper meaning for them. There is something different about the way a handmade card looks and feels. The hand-embellished, multi-dimensional and artistic elements of a handmade card provide the recipient with something to treasure for many years to come, so it is unlikely to be discarded. I have known people to paste a favourite quote over the “Happy Birthday” sentiment on the front, for example, and frame their card.

People will genuinely value the thought you have put into selecting a creative handmade card for their special occasion whether it be a birthday, the birth of a baby, marriage, or simply a little note of thanks.

Handmade cards are great value for money and are often cheaper than mass-produced cards. Unsold and damaged cards are factored into the price of commercial cards. Why not consider buying an individually constructed product, which has been locally made with limited waste or environmental impact, and which has been made with great care and passion!

Text by Melanie © 2011

26 August, 2011

It's tough at times...

Image above: Fifth Avenue Floral Stamp by Stampin' Up!

Here are a few of my latest cards. I'm starting to realise that there really is no end to the diversity of cards that can be made! I've started to scratch the surface but so much more creativity is still waiting to emerge...

On another note, trying to grow a small business can be extemely tough and, at times, I wonder if I have spent more on materials, tools and stall costs than I have made. Nearly everything I sell is made by hand, so it is also a time-consuming venture. Lately, I have been challenging myself to make better cards at a faster rate. This has quite been tough because I don't wish to skimp on quality. I have also been approached by a couple of potential stockists, but actually haven't had time yet to make the stock!

Recently, I made the worst decision I have ever made for 'Green Gifts' since 2003 (in terms of lost money and time). I rented a stall space in a shop in Sydney for four days (which needed to be prepaid). Unfortunately, I tumbled for the positive blog posts and other reviews promoting this new initiative without first visiting the shop. The reality is that the shop is in a poor location with very limited foot traffic. The operators will receive the short-term benefit of rental income from people like me, but ultimately, the enterprise will leave frustration and disappointment in its wake.

I just wish the operators would be true to themselves and the craft community who are trusting them to do the right thing. The initiative will work for some, but only very few. I'm annoyed with myself because I am used to achieving a certain level of success for my hard work and feel completely duped this time round (due to non-disclosure of the likelihood of infrequent sales). I still have two days left and it is looking improbable that I will even recoup the cost of the materials for the items sold, let alone the stall costs! Live and learn people...

23 December, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hi all! It's been an incredibly busy year and, in some ways, even busier than my previous job. Yes, I have come to view 'Green Gifts' as a job, even though the hours spent are not yet generating an income as such! It's a lot more time-consuming than I first thought, but definitely worth it. I'm very blessed to be able to explore my creativity on a daily basis and, the more I do it, the more I realise that I'm just scratching the surface. It feels very satisfying. On the flip-side, my house is totally trashed and I have let a lot of things slide during 2010. I'm optimistic that 2011 will bring more time to take care of basic household things, as this year has been spent building up so many ideas and concepts for my market stall and online shop.

Thank you to everyone who checks my blog from time-to-time, and to the random visitors from all around the world. If you like a design, please leave feedback by clicking on the Reader's Response boxes at the bottom of each post you read. Have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year. Keep checking back for new ideas and products throughout 2011.

Materials: Pre-printed cardstock by Grace Taylor, stamps by Stamp-It and Hero Arts, leaves die by Sizzix, water-based resin; This card is hand: stamped, cut, diecut, glued and embellished.

12 November, 2010

♥ the colour green!

Materials: Cuttlebug Cindy Loo embossing folder, inks, rubber stamps, foam mounting squares; This card has been hand: cut, torn, glued, dry embossed, inked, coloured and mounted.

One of my fellow stallholders was looking through my handmade cards recently and commented that my Christmas cards were rather unimaginative, as I had made them in the colours of red and green. She pointed out that 'Christmas' can be any colour. I do agree but I secretly like the opportunity to use the colour green in my creations! It's not a colour that is generally very popular, so Christmas gives me an excuse to go crazy with it! This card is a case in point. It's got it all--a spiritual theme (rather than a garish 'santa' or similar), dry embossing, leaves, my own handmade recycled paper, and many shades of green.

2010 - Year in Review

My primary aim this year has been to gradually use the numerous craft supplies and tools I've bought over the years! I've always had good intentions but never had the time to explore my creativity deeply (due to being a dedicated school teacher) .

The feedback received from customers thus far has been very encouraging, so I will continue to attend craft markets in the Blue Mountains and Sydney, as well as increase online ordering options. If you would like to purchase anything, please feel free to contact me.

It has been a privilege to teach some cardmaking classes in and around Sydney this year, and I would love to continue doing this in the future.

It has been an extremely busy year, with a lot of new developments, but I'm enjoying every moment of it and plan to continually improve the scope of my handmade products in 2011.

31 October, 2010

Time for a Change!

So inspired was I by yesterday's photographic journey, that I decided to change the header of this blog today. I think this might be a good thing to do once or twice a year to keep it looking fresh and interesting. I really like 'blogging' as a medium of communication and have noticed that, for many people, it has taken a back step to their Facebook page updates. As I have always found it quite difficult to self-promote, I have decided to keep my fb profile for personal connections. Many of my customers are visitors, tourists or passers-by so, at this point, I'm not sure if I can justify spending yet more time online. I've even given Twitter consideration, as everyone in the art/craft world seems to have an account, but have decided that this would just be another distraction from my real passion--creating!

01 September, 2010

So Lucky!

My sister has been able to source me some more notecard envelopes in different colours! They're quite hard to come by and can cost as much as, if not more than, the regular-sized white or coloured envelopes used for greeting cards. Now I'll be able to make more notecards like the one below. I love using all my little left-over paper pieces and arranging them into unique collage creations!

06 August, 2010

"How does your garden grow?"

I really love how this card turned out. I'm always seeking to buy tools, stamps and embellishments with a botanical theme. As I continue to create cards from week-to-week, I feel like my techniques and colour choices are improving. As I live in the Blue Mountains, my aim is to promote nature to the people who visit, so I will be focusing more on creating nature-themed cards as time goes on.

03 August, 2010

Another Little Notecard

Dimensions: 10.5 x 7.5cm;  
Cost: $2.00 with coordinating envelope. Great for attaching to gifts!

I really love working with a small 'canvas'. This notecard is filled with little odds and ends I found whilst cleaning my coffee table. (Plenty more where that came from!) It's fun creating a mini card from bits and pieces I've stamped, coloured, cut and hoarded! That's the beauty of collage--you never know just how it will all come together until it's done.

30 July, 2010

My Story

Isn't it crazy how many of us end up returning to what we REALLY love. I love teaching, and I love young kids, but I was always seeking ways to inject creative pursuits into every part of my teaching. Whether it be teaching Visual Arts a few periods a week, and begging teachers to let me do their classroom displays, or making every visual aid/flashcard a work of art, I would find a way to be creative. When I was a child, my dad would almost do anything to prevent me from beading or painting or drawing or taking photos. But it was what I really wanted to's only now that I am having the chance to really pursue these activities.

My love of cardmaking started when I was young. A local newsagent agreed to sell some of my painted cards! I would take any free photography course that came up but, unfortunately, was not allowed to pursue it as a school subject :( In my late teens and early 20's, I sold a number of handmade goods in a craft shop in Marrickville, such as recycled paper, decorative picture frames, and handmade cards. Sadly, I couldn't keep up with making these things as teaching gradually took up more of my time. In my late 20's, I discovered scrapbooking. It was the hobby I had always been looking for. All my creative interests could be displayed on a 12" x 12" scrapbook page--photography, drawing, painting, cutting, designing, stamping, etc. I really haven't completed that many pages in six years, especially now as 'Green Gifts' is taking over a bit, but I certainly have a lot more time in my future than I anticipated when I was a full-time teacher. It's very freeing and liberating! Check out some of my scrapbook pages below:

27 July, 2010

Cute Little Notecards!

It's been a while since I've sat down and made a whole batch of notecards. I've had an increasing amount of people requesting them since my last batch ran out, so I've spent the last couple of days in a super creative frame-of-mind. At 10.5 x 7.5 cm each, they're relatively small designs, but lots of fun to create. I price them between $0.50 and $2.00. I have been extremely fortunate, in that my sister sourced the matching envelopes very cheaply for me (she's a great bargain hunter!) Out of the 50 notecards I plan to make before my next market, ten designs are pictured below. Please let me know what you think!