Showing posts with label Leura. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leura. Show all posts

31 December, 2016

2016 is almost over

What a strange year 2016 has been! I'm not quite sure where all the time went and am left feeling a little perturbed. Does time really pass by more quickly the older you get? Sure seems like it. This pic, taken earlier in the year at Sydney Technology Park, represents the unknown future. It is also a reminder to self to stop banging on closed doors and walking past the open ones. 2017 brings the need for great change to certain aspects of my life and I feel positive about what can be achieved over the next 12 months. I'm actually going to attempt this thing called work-life balance. It will be a juggling act (and a completely new experience for me). It will require discipline and focus and consciousness. I just realised the other day that I have been attending the markets as a stallholder in Leura for 7 years. I told someone that it had been 5 years but when I reflected back, I realised that I started in 2010. Due to various reasons, it really is time for me to move on from this venture. I've gone from 100% attendance (5-6 times a month) to sporadic attendance due to working and living in Sydney. It is only right to let it go, thereby opening up my spot for someone else. I'm not going again until March 2017 so have a bit of time to explore other avenues. Change is in the air!

10 January, 2014

Upcycled Wrapping Paper

Upcycled wrapping paper was used to make these cards

I am often taken aback by the people who like my market stall because of its jewellery items, most of which I hand bead, create and put together myself. My heart drops a little because I am actually a 'paper crafter'. When they just keep going on about the jewellery items, I point out that I really don't specialise in it and that I love making cards and stationery. They're always a little shocked and then take a polite, yet disinterested, glance at the handmade cards on display. It's strange to me how some people love the self-adorning aspect of jewellery, but don't really value the encouragement and care that can be expressed when giving someone else a special card. I have had to accept that some people simply don't get it. Of course, I still do keep doing jewellery items, as it helps pay the stall costs, but it really isn't my passion.

The cards above were made using old wrapping paper (from Holland) as the background design. I just love collecting interesting paper to use on my cards. Being 'Green Gifts', I am always trying to reclaim, reuse and upcycle as many materials as possible in my cardmaking. Being a bit of a hoarder, I don't like throwing out beautiful things that I know will make a unique, one-of-a-kind card. Recently, a wonderfully generous lady I know gave me hundreds of old, used greeting cards from the 60's, 70's and 80's. Printed greeting cards were made so beautifully then (they're nice today too, but different). The dry embossed surfaces and wet embossed titles in gold and silver are just exquisite, and I almost don't want to part with these beautiful cards. However, I have been upcycling them into new handmade cards, and this will continue for many years to come! How wonderful it is to be able to revive old cards and convert them into new, fresh cards! I really enjoy this creative process and I encourage you to give it a go too ;)

16 August, 2013

Back on the horse!

Since returning from overseas, it has been busy. That time away gave me the opportunity to mull things over and rethink my online stores a little. Hundreds of eBay members wasted my time last year with empty enquiries, some even trying to gain free digital files (the very nerve!) I had one or two tears over a couple of very shrewd time-wasters who tried to take advantage of me :( I am determined not to let this happen again...

My listings now state some clear 'Terms of Sale' and this is having the effect of deterring the non-serious buyers (yay!) I also have 'Genuine Enquiries Only' plastered all over my store. The time away allowed me to step back a little and reassess why I am doing this. I enjoy making things but I'm lucky to be working for $5.00 per hour (usually less). I really only want to deal with people who love my creative items and appreciate them :) It just becomes exceedingly unenjoyable otherwise.

The card here is the one I gave to my Uncle & Aunt for their 40th Wedding Anniversary in Holland. I got a little overexcited but it is an event truly worth celebrating. It was wonderful to meet up with some of my other relatives too. My Uncle & Aunt's children (my cousins) are so lovely, and it was great to meet their children too. May I encourage whoever is reading this to just drop everything and go away from time-to-time. It helps you to step back and think rationally about where your life is heading...

I still love doing this and felt very blessed last weekend when many of my handmade cards sold at my market stall. I received some very encouraging comments too :) It keeps me going. I don't post my best cards on this blog by any means. The www is just a place for others to take, take, take. But if you remember the cards you have bought before, I would be happy to remake them for you (as I have done for regular customers). Browsing the posts in this blog is a little futile, as it contains just a glimpse of the odd handmade card. I have 1000's of digital pics of designs I have made over the years. I'm only too happy to put together a custom order for you! Looking forward to hearing from you :)

25 July, 2013

Back from holidays!

Photos of French macarons I purchased in Paris

I've finally returned from being overseas to celebrate the 40th Wedding Anniversary of my Uncle and Aunt, alongside other relatives. It was a wonderful time and, in many ways, has fulfilled a lifelong dream to return to Holland, as well as visit Paris for the first time. 

I'm gradually getting back into the swing of things. Returning to doing my market stall began immediately and my online stores will be back up and running soon. Due to so many other commitments at present, I won't be doing my hobby business as 'full-ball' as I was. Making handmade, unique items gives me great joy, but it is also very time-consuming. I need to take some time out to complete home renovations, so will be aiming to merely cover costs in the near future (item materials, online store fees, PayPal charges, etc.).

Paris was a wonderful whirlwind of colour and design. I bought some lovely French papers and a few other gorgeous items which inspired me. I've already made a few greeting cards and look forward to creating more. Stay-tuned for piccies that will be posted on this blog. 

Photography, a great passion of mine, although I remain a novice, is something I experimented with further in Holland and Paris with my rudimentary digital camera. I managed to take a few unique shots, which will soon be made into photographic cards for my market stall. At $2.50 each, I hope they are well-received by my regular customers as well as visitors to the Blue Mountains.

At my market stall, I am trying to increase my range of handmade cards, so please pop in to check them out. Although I put a lot of effort into my handcrafted fashion jewellery items, cardmaking is what keeps the creativity flowing. Looking forward to seeing you soon :)

19 February, 2013

Steady as she goes...

Well, it's another new year for Green Gifts! It has started off with a bang--so many orders that I really can't keep up. I have had to shut the doors of my eBay store a couple of times already. This is a good thing but also a bad thing. I still have to pay fees--the store is always open behind the scenes. I guess this mirrors the real world--you pay rent whether you're home or not; your lease continues whether you're open for business or not...

I have also started another online store with lower fees, in order to sell to a wider range of customers, whether they're eBay members or not. It's a fantastic interface and I just love the aesthetics of each page. It gives me great joy to make it look 'pretty', and my customers are finding it very appealing too. I am so thrilled that the items in this store are not 'counting down'. They just sit there and I don't have to worry too much if some things don't sell--there's no 'ticking' auction-style clock, which is very relieving (more like a real store, where stock can gradually be built up over time).

On the flip-side, my second online store gets very little natural traffic (I'm directing customers to it at present). I'm not too worried at the moment, but I'll need to start promoting it at some stage. I've never been great at self-promotion--I really just prefer people to 'discover' my products. If they like them, they will keep returning :) It's their impetus to contact me. However, in the world of e-commerce, people are fickle and will just go elsewhere if it's not 'easy'. It's a slow way to gain a customer base...

But I'm patient--always have believed in doing things well over time. It starts off very slowly, then gradually builds in momentum. After three and a half years of doing this, I am starting to see some real progress in my small hobby business! This is exciting because it means that I'm gradually starting to emerge from my 'sweat-shop'. On the markets front, I had a very encouraging day last weekend, with a few regular customers coming in just for my handmade cards. They have 'discovered' my cards, but more regular customers would be even better! (gotta self-promote...eek)

14 December, 2012

2012 - Year in Review

Well, what a year! My focus for 'Green Gifts' shifted this year with the start of an online store. I had been paying fees on it for around 18 months, whilst doing research, but the delay was worthwhile--there are so many elements to running an online store, and I'm glad I considered them fully before embarking on it (a lot of time & money would have been wasted if I had just launched into it straight away).

On the whole, I just allowed the store to evolve as people made stationery requests for their special events/projects. Next year, I would like to introduce some more creative items to my store, as I have been neglecting this shockingly throughout 2012!

On the markets front, I have been surviving, just. Tourism in the Blue Mountains has dropped a little and tighter OHS regulations at the market I attend has affected sales too. Partially, I am responsible for a less-than-successful year at the markets, as I haven't been keeping up with stock levels on account of my online store. It's a balancing act and I hope to do it more effectively in 2013.

I am still loving this hobby business, which is gradually growing into something real. The appreciation and positivity received from customers this year has actually been very rewarding :) As such, I am not convinced that I'll ever fully return to my previous occupation...

'Ode' to Fiji

07 August, 2012

Gradually Growing

Well, after a couple of years of damned hard work (!), my little business venture is finally seeing some growth :) I am really pleased with how my online store is going. Despite the fees, charges and time it takes to list items online, I have been finding it really rewarding. Customer interactions via email, although arduous at times (!), have been very positive and I am pleased with the feedback being received for my handmade items.

My market stall has been going quite well but, as described previously, it is only a small market with limited space, and other stall holders have been fast-tracked ahead of me due to being 'friends of friends'. I am still attending the market on a regular basis, but not as regularly as I have been for the past 2½ years.

If you have been wanting to buy some handmade cards, feel free to enquire here or click on the link for my online store and message me there. Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Post Updated: Sunday, 23rd September, 2012

I have been neglecting my blog shockingly! Probably because my online store just keeps growing, and it is getting to the point where it is difficult to keep up. I am now enlisting a little bit of help for certain orders, but am not sure if I can sustain too much more growth! (due to the fact that nearly everything in my store is made from scratch).

I had a laugh one day when one of my first customers said she "felt sorry for my poor little fingers". Now I see what she was getting at! I get a lot of orders for hand cut items, as I've always been a bit of a scissors-freak, but the frequency of these orders is now getting a bit a out-of-hand! (pun intended)

There's also some excellent news on the markets front :) I now have a regular spot I can call my own! Can you believe it? After 2½ years of regular attendance, I have a spot I know will be there when I turn up each week! My stall has been going quite well, but I haven't been able to make as much stock as I used to, due to the demands of my online store. Some days, I'm actually quite glad and relieved to not receive many online orders! It's in those rare moments that I work on making some stock for markets, such as handmade cards, which is still my greatest love

19 June, 2012

To my regular customers--Thank You!

I am so thankful for my regular customers, both from the Blue Mountains and Sydney, who have given me such positive feedback and appreciation for my handmade cards over the last two years. I apologise for not being at the markets every week lately (like I have been over the past two years). Unfortunately, markets politics and the unfairness of life has meant that friends of friends have pushed ahead of me for a regular spot, leaving no viable spaces left for me :(

THE GOOD NEWS! A regular stallholder is unable to attend for the whole of July, so please take this opportunity to visit my stall and stock up on handmade cards. You can always do an online order, if preferred. This is my focus at present because the world of markets, what with the weather and dog-eat-dog mentality, is proving too unstable for me to rely on.

Hope you're all enjoying the refreshing wintry weather (haha) and, even if it is a bit blustery or rainy, drop by my market stall throughout July :) It'll nice and warm inside...

26 May, 2012

Strange cardmaker I am...

"Happy Birthday to you!" stamp by Stampin' Up! 

I've just finished making two cards out of given, bought and reclaimed materials and have realised just how different they are! The first one is quite muted, made from wooden embellishments, a left-over tag from a wedding order and die-cut leafy branches from reclaimed designer paper. The second card has been made from die-cuts received as a free gift with an embossing folder. They have been further hand cut, dry embossed and embellished. And, of course, I am a little obsessed with doing some kind of simple drawing on most of my cards!

I haven't had a chance to make many cards lately as I have been busy with other ventures and, boy, do I miss it! It's the real reason I started markets but, sadly, it is too hard to sustain stall costs on handmade cards alone (even though my cards are quite popular). The other crafts (e.g. jewellery making) that I have had to do to substantiate my market stall have been a distraction from what I really enjoy doing...

Same goes for my new online store. I have been so busy making craft supplies, etc. for customers that my cardmaking has been put on hold, but only temporarily! It appears to be quite hard to sell handmade cards online but I am determined to give it a really good try and see what happens :) If you have purchased my handmade cards before, or have received one and find yourself curious enough to be reading this post, please take the next step and contact me. I'm itching for an excuse to list some handmade cards online (over the products that have been selling). Please place an order by emailing, texting or phoning me--click on the contact tab above :)

If you have been looking out for me at the markets, my attendance has been a bit sporadic of late. I will back regularly as of next Sunday and, hopefully, with plenty of new cards! See you there :)

12 May, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the dedicated mothers out there and, hell, even the not so dedicated ones (it's a hard slog either which way), have a wonderful Mother's Day celebration tomorrow! Thank you to the many mothers who have bought my cards over the years for children, new mothers, husbands, friends and, of course, your own mothers. Each time you bless someone with a special message it makes them feel important, valued and loved. If you have been looking to buy from my market stall lately, I have been away for a few weeks but am back next week. Remember, you can always contact me through this website or my online store for a customised order. Have a lovely weekend :)

13 April, 2012

I love Peter's Bread!

This post has nothing to do with papercraft or cardmaking. I have been attending markets in the Blue Mountains for a couple of years now and thought that it was about time to give Peter's Bread a decent mention! I have never been a great fan of bread--it always gets freezer burn or tastes like cardboard, but Peter's Artisan Bread is quite another story. He has perfected a number of recipes, one of them being his Honey and Fruit loaf. I have literally lived on this bread when there wasn't any food in the house!

Commercial bread loaves are just awful compared to this stuff. It's Cafe quality (well some Cafes, anyway!) and works out at about $0.50 per slice. Two slices with coffee is fantastic for breakfast. I must confess that I have never been one to eat fresh bread fast enough, so I always pre-slice Peter's Bread and freeze it in. It toasts beautifully in a regular toaster. I have my toaster set to low. The first pop defrosts it, the second pop browns it perfectly. This bread really retains its heat because it is so dense, and the butter/margarine melts right in. Making you hungry? Check out Peter's Bread for yourself at his website.

A couple of years ago, I told Peter that I thought his Gluten-free bread loaves would really take off because he was so determined to keep improving his recipe. Now, he receives countless orders through his website each week for this bread range! If you have special dietary requirements, Peter's Bread will not disappoint. It's really worth trying :)

16 March, 2012

♥ Create, create, create ♥

Wow, the weather has finally fined up--what a relief! It was getting really dismal for a time there. Visitors and tourists have been returning to the mountains and local markets have been picking up as a result. I have been particularly encouraged by the numerous card sales I have had to 'regular' customers. I don't know any names, but I am starting to recognise some faces after two years of doing this! What lovely, supportive mountain-folk and Sydney-siders, who choose to buy handmade and keep returning. Thank You! It gives me enough momentum to keep creating and pursuing this somewhat crazy venture of leaving a secure teaching position to undertake arty endeavours.

I have recently been working on an online store. I went to a couple of seminars and thought it was worth a shot. Not sure of how it will all pan out but I'll persist with it (as you need to do in this field). It is quite hard to compete against all the mass-produced goods in chain stores and major shopping centres and, at times, you get quite demoralised. I am inspired by customers such as one young girl, who works at Typo, but still prefers to buy my cards! That really made my day, maybe even my year!

If you would like to purchase any of my products, please feel free to visit my online store (click on the icon in right sidebar). Alternatively, click on the 'Contact' tab above to phone or email. I am always happy to receive custom orders, which can be purchased via Bank Deposit, PayPal or through my online store as a special listing.

If you would like to place an order then pick it up from my market stall, please contact me to find out when I will be next attending the markets. Looking forward to hearing from you :)

04 January, 2012

♥ Support your local handmade market ♥

It is always encouraging to meet Blue Mountains' locals, especially after two years of doing markets and festivals here. Sure, not all locals are necessarily interested in markets but it is wonderful when they visit and discover just how affordable and creative handmade craft can be! As tourism has dropped a little in the mountains in recent years, I would love to be able to cater to local customers better.

I predominately attend markets in Hazelbrook, Lawson and Leura. Some of my fellow stallholders include: Bron's Preserves (pictured below), Cindy Smith's one-of-a-kind Sterling Silver jewellery, Dianne's Bears (dressed with gorgeous fabrics and accessories), Bill's Books, and Peter's Bread (of which I am a great fan).

Although I sell a range of beaded and fashion jewellery, both for adults and children, my main love is papercraft. I sometimes get a little demoralised when customers zero in on my jewellery and totally overlook my cards. I wouldn't bother doing markets if it weren't for the cards and other paper products I sell. Next time you come across my stall, please have a browse through my cards. Prices start at $1.50 and include eco-cards (printed on 100% recycled cardstock), handmade cards, and photographic cards.

Most of my cards have an botanical, earthy or arty feel (example below), and are suitable for sending domestically or overseas, attaching to presents, popping into pigeon holes at work, or simply just giving to a special person. People really love receiving a handmade card due to its tactile and three-dimensional qualities. A number of my cards also incorporate hand drawn details, funky patterns and original designs. Please visit soon to check them out for yourself!

This card has been hand: stamped, inked, torn, glued and embellished.
It features dried skeleton leaves, brads (split pins), parchment and wallpaper.
The cards in this garden series (including tulips, parsley, rosemary, mint and sage) sell for $4.00 each.

02 January, 2012

Happy New Year!

Flower stamp from 'Embrace Life' set by Stampin' Up!

Although I dream about living in the tropics, I have had to be true to myself and give up on the idea. It would simply be too hot and humid! I shouldn't confess this (due to the scorn it will undoubtedly bring), but I have been loving the wintry 'summer' weather up here in the mountains. I used to live by the coast in Sydney, which was wonderful in many ways, but I've come to enjoy the cooler climate over the past decade.

The handmade greeting card pictured above is a recent creation and reflects my idealisation of tropical living alongside palm trees and bright flowers. I've been to the South Pacific Islands a number of times and it's been such an amazingly beautiful and aesthetic experience every single time. I used to have a little photo album of favourite tropical shots on my desk at school. Whenever I was feeling a little down, it always made me feel so happy to flip through these photos.

The inspiration for this card came from a photo I took in Fiji last year (below). I was walking along the road in Namaka, near Nadi, and snapped a few shots along the way. The picture below features Bougainvillea flowers and I love the foreground and background layers captured by my rudimentary camera.

There were so many beautiful things to photograph in Fiji, some of which I will share here another time. Sometimes I think I should invest in a better camera as mine is so basic, but then I realise I wouldn't have the time to really focus on this hobby alongside all of the others I have! For now, I'll just have to focus on the image rather than the technicalities of the tools. Even with a simple camera, you would be surprised at the quality of shots that can been achieved :) I'm just a novice in the real sense of the word but my photographic cards are quite popular as an alternative to handmade cards, so it is worthwhile for me to continue to add new images to the collection.

Hope you're having a Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing you at my market stall in the oncoming months. Alongside my regular stock, I am always creating new cards and gifts, available at affordable prices, incorporating that handmade touch :)

12 December, 2011

Think handmade this Christmas!

Think handmade this Christmas! Christmas has become more commercialised of late, so why not inject a little bit of authenticism into your gifts, greetings and wrappings. One brochure I saw recently said, "Have yourself an organised Christmas!" Is this what Christmas has become--a frantic time of year that merely requires organisation and the hope for survival?

So, why not make your gifts stand out from the crowd. I will have handmade wrapping paper and gifts tags available as a pack this Sunday. For only $10, the pack includes 5 sheets (large size) of handmade wrapping paper and 10 gifts tags!

Handmade Christmas cards will also be available. Prices start at $2.00 per card. I try to make my Christmas cards as affordable as possible because of the quantity that people need at this time of year. My cards are suitable for posting and are particularly suitable for close friends and family who you'd like to make feel special. It is also nice to have that opportunity to write a special message inside each card, perhaps a quick summary of what you've appreciated in 2011 and blessings for the New Year.

I also have a lovely range of Christmas photographic cards for $3.00 each (example pictured above).

Even if it's raining, I look forward to your visit at my market stall this Sunday!

2011 - Year in Review

This year has passed by so quickly but, I'm happy to say, it has been a little easier than last. I'm trying to work smarter, rather than harder, and have gained more time for family and friends.

Despite the effect of the global economy on tourism in the Blue Mountains over the last couple of years, my sales have gradually been improving. I'm still classified as a hobbyist at this stage but intend to keep developing 'Green Gifts' as a business concept in 2012.

A number of customers have urged me to sell online, which is a huge undertaking to do properly, but I think it will be a worthwhile venture in the oncoming year. I still prefer face-to-face contact with customers at markets but the online world does have the potential for a much larger customer base.

A would love to approach some potential stockists in 2012 but this is dependent on having the time to create enough suitable stock (namely cards) before they're sold at the markets!

On that note, I do need to make a concerted effort to manage my time better in 2012. Which means less time on the internet and more time dedicated to organising/creating/working!

25 November, 2011

Dreary Mountains' Days

With summer approaching, I thought it was time to brighten up my blog with a new banner. The photo of wattle at the very top of this page (now pictured below) was taken some time ago in Penrith on one of those glorious days--such a blue sky! Days like that have been a rarity this year and last in the mountains, as it has rained often. I don't mind the rain but I always worry about my house because it really does need new guttering and drainage systems, as well as other rain barriers. This year has been an eventful year, with the trip to Fiji for my sister's wedding being the highlight. I'm very busy lately, especially with Christmas approaching, but the rain does put a bit of a damper on the markets scene. As a result, I will be developing online purchasing options in a serious way in 2012. For handmade Christmas cards, wrapping paper and gifts, please drop by my market stall in the oncoming weeks. Looking forward to seeing you!

 Blog Banner 2011-2012

20 June, 2011

My beautiful sister...

I was googling some things about Leura, Blue Mountains today when I stumbled upon a photograph of my sister. It is still being used as part of Spa Sublime's advertising after all these years! I don't think my sister received much money (if any) for this shoot (I believe there are some other photos too) but it is a lovely shot and kudos must also go to the photographer who took it. My sister currently works in the beauty industry in Bondi Junction and has been a great help to me in terms of facial skin treatments. I had moderate to severe acne for 17 years, and was taunted daily for many years, which affected my self-confidence immensely. She has really been a great support in helping to reduce scarring and skin damage on my face. Thank you beautiful Chervonne!

31 October, 2010

Everglades Gardens - Leura

Images (clockwise from top left): Lilac Terrace, NSW Waratah, View across Jamison Valley, Old Man Banksia, Rhododendron Walk, Bird Bath, Maple Leaves on the Watercourse

Yesterday I visited the Everglades Historic House & Gardens. It is a popular tourist attraction but, other than that, I did not know much about it. I ended up walking around the gardens for about two hours and mangaged to take a few nice photographs--I'm still constantly learning. Today, I produced these into photographic cards, four of which are collaged in the image above (2 x portrait, 2 x landscape). I'm not sure how quickly these cards will sell, but I have really enjoyed creating this pictorial glimpse of Leura's much-loved attraction.

If you are interested in purchasing any Everglades cards, please email me and I can send you attachments of available designs. Professionally-printed photographic cards are $3 each. For every $20 you spend, you will receive a free photographic card up to the value of $2.50. Please mention this post.