Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts

10 April, 2021

'Childmemory' by Michael Dugan

'David's Willow Tree' by Susan Clark

The following poem, Childmemory, by Michael Dugan is filled with beautiful memories and imagery. Its environmental theme is poignant and powerful. At the time of writing, this poem is not available anywhere else on the web and is almost impossible to find in published books. However, I was able to discover that it was published in Poetry Australia 32: Preface to the Seventies (1970, p. 35), which resulted in an email exchange with Michael Dugan's former colleague. I am sharing the poem in full because it is too wonderful to be forgotten forever. I encourage teachers to use this poem in their classrooms to explore the concepts of past, present and preservation. All credit goes to the brilliant Michael Dugan who composed this work.


Down past Macartney’s farm
beyond a wilderness of waist high thistles,
willow trees caressed the creek.
We would come to the willows
along a secret path of our own making,
to leap into their feathered greenness
and, clutching handfuls of whiplike branches,
would swing, eyes closed, above the stream,
rejoicing in motion,
with the bitter taste of willow leaves in our mouths.
Later we tied a rope to the highest branch,
and riding its arc like a pendulum,
would pause at the point of timelessness; to drop,
breaking the pool’s glass surface
into ever widening sculptured circles.
One summer night I crept silent to the willows
and swung for hours, feeling the cool sweet air on my face,
watching stars reflecting in the pool,
like trolls’ eyes staring from the black water.

Returning fifteen years later,
factories pour waste into the creek,
no one remembers willow trees.

Michael Gray Dugan
 (1947-2006) was an Australian poet, children's writer and editor. Born in the outskirts of MelbourneDugan recalled writing stories and poems as a child of eight or nine. In 1968, he first published 'Crosscurrents' magazine from the Melbourne suburb of Canterbury. He also worked as poetry editor of 'Overland' magazine and served as vice-president of the Victorian Fellowship of Australian Writers. In the 1980s, he was a consultant and an editor for the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs. Along with his works in children's literature, Dugan had an extensive background in Australian history. He wrote numerous historical textbooks published by Macmillan Education Australia. There are over 200 book titles in Dugan's nameincluding factual books, fictional stories and poetry anthologiesOther publishers he wrote for include Oxford, JacarandaPenguin, and 
Hodder & Stoughton.

07 August, 2012

Gradually Growing

Well, after a couple of years of damned hard work (!), my little business venture is finally seeing some growth :) I am really pleased with how my online store is going. Despite the fees, charges and time it takes to list items online, I have been finding it really rewarding. Customer interactions via email, although arduous at times (!), have been very positive and I am pleased with the feedback being received for my handmade items.

My market stall has been going quite well but, as described previously, it is only a small market with limited space, and other stall holders have been fast-tracked ahead of me due to being 'friends of friends'. I am still attending the market on a regular basis, but not as regularly as I have been for the past 2½ years.

If you have been wanting to buy some handmade cards, feel free to enquire here or click on the link for my online store and message me there. Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Post Updated: Sunday, 23rd September, 2012

I have been neglecting my blog shockingly! Probably because my online store just keeps growing, and it is getting to the point where it is difficult to keep up. I am now enlisting a little bit of help for certain orders, but am not sure if I can sustain too much more growth! (due to the fact that nearly everything in my store is made from scratch).

I had a laugh one day when one of my first customers said she "felt sorry for my poor little fingers". Now I see what she was getting at! I get a lot of orders for hand cut items, as I've always been a bit of a scissors-freak, but the frequency of these orders is now getting a bit a out-of-hand! (pun intended)

There's also some excellent news on the markets front :) I now have a regular spot I can call my own! Can you believe it? After 2½ years of regular attendance, I have a spot I know will be there when I turn up each week! My stall has been going quite well, but I haven't been able to make as much stock as I used to, due to the demands of my online store. Some days, I'm actually quite glad and relieved to not receive many online orders! It's in those rare moments that I work on making some stock for markets, such as handmade cards, which is still my greatest love

27 January, 2012

Unique Handmade Cards by Green Gifts

I arrived home this week to a very waterlogged hollow! It seems that the rain hasn't let up, which makes the markets scene quite challenging up here in the mountains (due to fewer tourists). Nevertheless, I have continued to push on and have made some lovely beaded necklaces and a few cards, ready for this weekend's markets. The card above is a one-of-kind, never-to-be-repeated design, made using reclaimed embroidered fabric. I would have liked to photograph it outside but it was just too misty, wet and dark (like something out of LOTR--quite beautiful, actually).

This type of card is my area of specialty because it does get a little monotonous remaking my popular designs from week-to-week. When I come across an interesting piece of paper or fabric, my creativity kicks in a little and these often become the tactile cards I truly love. This card also incoportates some hand drawn elements to give it that rustic touch. Because this card is extra special in terms of materials and design, I will be pricing it at $5.00. My handmade cards range from $1.50 to $6.00 and roughly reflect the effort and materials that go into them. My more expensive cards often take up to an hour to make, and are geared towards the most discerning of handmade card buyers.

11 October, 2011

Why Buy Handmade Greeting Cards?

This card is hand: stamped, torn, inked, drawn (e.g. swirls & dots), coloured, cut, glued and embellished.

As I interact with customers, I am sometimes surprised by people's hesitancy to buy handmade greeting cards. What with the glut of commercial cards available in shops, there seems to be an inherent trust in overpriced factory-produced cards. I am trying to challenge this notion by providing affordable gifts and cards, handmade using quality materials, unusual techniques and unique designs.

Handmade cards are not mass-produced by a printing press. Each one is hand constructed and designed. Common cardmaking techniques used include hand: stamping, drawing, embossing, inking, painting, cutting, gluing, mounting and embellishing. If you have ever dabbled in cardmaking yourself, you start to realise just how much effort goes into one card and the number of steps needed to create the finished product. Each card is a miniature artwork which reflects the creator’s passion for originality, aesthetics and design.

When you buy handmade cards, you have the opportunity to communicate your personal style and message to the recipients, which will ultimately hold a deeper meaning for them. There is something different about the way a handmade card looks and feels. The hand-embellished, multi-dimensional and artistic elements of a handmade card provide the recipient with something to treasure for many years to come, so it is unlikely to be discarded. I have known people to paste a favourite quote over the “Happy Birthday” sentiment on the front, for example, and frame their card.

People will genuinely value the thought you have put into selecting a creative handmade card for their special occasion whether it be a birthday, the birth of a baby, marriage, or simply a little note of thanks.

Handmade cards are great value for money and are often cheaper than mass-produced cards. Unsold and damaged cards are factored into the price of commercial cards. Why not consider buying an individually constructed product, which has been locally made with limited waste or environmental impact, and which has been made with great care and passion!

Text by Melanie © 2011

16 June, 2010

An example of my cards...

This is an example of the kinds of cards I was making a few years ago. Since that time, I have sold my cards at school open days, to a social group for birthday mail-outs, at a couple of annual fairs/festivals, and at the occasional market. Lately, I have been attending markets in the Blue Mountains more frequently and have been amazed by such positive responses from people purchasing my cards. It has encouraged me to diversify my designs even more, particularly in the area of collaged cards.