Showing posts with label MD Home Tutoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MD Home Tutoring. Show all posts

19 April, 2024

MD Home Tutoring

It seems like an age ago, but I used to run a small craft business. I had a break from teaching to expand my creative side (quelled in childhood, it had been waiting to emerge for decades). Photography, digital imaging and graphic design were everyday tasks as I interacted with members of the public in every state and territory via my two online stores. I still like to explore my creative side when I make resources, write lesson plans or design worksheets. Recently, I spent some time improving my online presence for MD Home Tutoring. Love a customised word cloud!

28 October, 2023

Knowledge empowers...

I have so much admiration for the parents who hire me to tutor their child/ren. And it's not because they pay me! It's the value they have for education and the understanding that it sets their child up for life of greater choices and opportunities. Tutoring complements and adds value to school experiences and can help boost independence and a positive self concept. Moreover, tutoring goes beyond the school curriculum and crosses into the development of thinking, research and important life skills. Parents who are willing to outlay their hard-earned cash to increase their child's knowledge and feelings of self-efficacy are truly remarkable. I often reflect on how I would have loved to have a tutor when I was at school! (Quote below is attributed to Bruce Lee.)

13 October, 2023

Practise empathy...

Recently, I revisited the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' so I could assist a Year 9 tutoring student. I had dipped into it to help students at school but I hadn't read it in its entirety since I was 15 years old. The language is so powerful, the lessons shared are indelible. I still believe it is a substantial literary text although some schools are no longer choosing to study it. Atticus Finch's words continue to ring true across all social, economic and historical contexts: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from [their] point of view - until you climb into [their] skin and walk around in it."

17 May, 2023

Maths Tuition

Although I am a specialist teacher of the English language, Maths was actually my best subject in high school! Lately, I have gained so many students who need tuition in Maths. Oftentimes, they don't see the point of this subject and part of my role is to convince them that it is vital for the development of financial understandings, logical thinking, attention to detail and problem solving strategies (just to name a few!).

19 December, 2021

Reflecting on 2021

It's certainly been a crazy year. On the one hand, it has seemed ridiculously long, and on the other, it's as though it never really got started. I was sent an email today that encouraged me to do some reflecting and I thought I would share my responses online (this is more for my own benefit than the internet's).

What are your biggest wins of the year? What made you proud?

One of the biggest wins was being able to connect with students via Zoom during the lockdown period of around 16 weeks. Even though many students were 'missing in action' during this time, I was able to conduct some effective sessions with students I hadn't formally worked with before. For those students and parents who were keen, the interactions were worthwhile and productive.

How did you take care of yourself this year? What did you learn about your needs?

I really haven't done a good job of this at all this year and the lockdown didn't help. I've neglected my health and have developed a medical issue that I'm still trying to get to the bottom of. Hopefully I will be able to find out soon as it's painful and concerning.

How did you help your family this year? What relationships did you cultivate?

I've zoomed online and had some rather long phone calls with family members. It has reminded me that I need to prioritise my time better. Family is more important than any job or occupation. Who are you really if you're not supporting those closest to you?

What changes (big or small) did you make to help the environment? What do you want to do more of? Remember–-all the small actions add up, even expanding your awareness is action. It all makes an impact.

I started recycling soft plastics for the first time. I have always been an avid recycler and do what I can in the home (because my workplaces are terribly irresponsible when it comes to recycling). The volume of these soft plastics really adds up! I think everyone needs to give it a go to place pressure on the system to develop better infrastructure. I choose to believe that my efforts aren't simply ending up in landfill. The more people participate in these kind of programs (e.g. REDcycle), the more they will develop. [2023 edit: This paragraph didn't age well!]

What goals did you set for yourself this year and what actions did you take to get closer to achieving them? Were there any barriers to achieving your goals? Are your goals still meaningful?

It's been a tough year because I sensed the job I had heavily invested my time into over the past 6 years was going to come to an end, and it did. Overall, I think I dealt with the situation well. Since most of my superiors were devoid of warmth and the attributes of true leaders, their communication was perfunctory and impersonal. I needed to grit my teeth and carry on under their unfair leadership. Despite this untenable work climate, ameliorated a little by the lockdown situation (there are silver linings!), I ensured that my teaching was not affected in any way. Never let anyone else kill your passion.

What were some of the biggest challenges this year? How did you overcome them, how are you working on them and what did you learn from them?

One of my biggest challenges this year has been time management. This is always a challenge for me, but it has been an even bigger hurdle this year. I had a single day per week at at one workplace and I was determined not to let it take over other days of the week. It still did, but not as much as it had in the past. I kept reminding myself - imagine this day as a casual teaching day: Would I be required to work extra days for one day's pay? No. This mindset assisted me to prioritise other areas of my life, such as my home-tutoring business. I was still hounded from time-to-time via email on days off, but I didn't let it get to me.

Who/what helped get you through this year? Who did you help get through this year?

My husband--amazing man--that's the long and short of it! In terms of me helping others, I'd like to think I have been an encouragement to some of my colleagues, as well as my students. I have also helped my husband in return by proofreading every piece of writing he has composed this year: newsletter articles, yearbook reports, job/scholarship applications, and assignments for uni. He was been rewarded with a fantastic job and his first High Distinction in a postgraduate subject. It's not over yet since he has elected to get ahead by studying a subject in Summer Session. Oh, happy joy!

How did you surprise yourself this year?

I surprised myself by planning and implementing some very effective online lessons, conducted with children as young at 7 and students as old as 17. It's not my preferred method of teaching but I tried to make the best of a bad situation. Teaching online is very slow compared to face-to-face interactions. It made me realise how much I had underestimated the power of gesture, highlighting, handwriting and in-person modelling. I'm really hoping that lockdowns will be a thing of the past some day soon.

10 April, 2021

Recognising your significance...

Sometimes it can be difficult to see any significance in what you do. You work hard, try your best, give it your all. You try to better yourself, learn more, give more. You do it to share your skills, your understandings, your life lessons. Sometimes, however, your reach seems so limited and your efforts worthless. At this point, it becomes harder to see your purpose in this world. I'll always remember a priest who spoke at a Sydney youth festival: "A lot goes into a person." It made me reconsider what my parents wanted for me and some of the conscious choices they made.

Each one of us is unique, the product of a myriad of experiences and teachings and interactions. Each one of us has so much to share, but sometimes the opportunity to do so is lacking. I've worked hard in my life to learn new things, improve my knowledge, be the best teacher I can be. But, I have learnt that I can't please everyone in the way they might want. If they want a 'yes-man', then I'm definitely not who they're after. If they want someone who is happy with being undervalued and disrespected, I won't ultimately work out for them either.

I've spent a lot of time in my life trying to impress the wrong people. Only now in my forties have I come to recognise my worth. All those public holidays spent studying. The many all-nighters spent planning the perfect sequence of lessons as an RFF teacher. The intricate feedback comments that were barely read by students and parents. The hours of preparation put into planning lessons or tutoring sessions.

This time and effort has amounted to something. The product is a teacher who thinks critically, who has something of great worth to share with her students. A person who has never been motivated by the pay cheque is a person who will ultimately shine as an educator. I have been very fortunate to receive fantastic feedback in recent years from parents whose children I tutor. For the first time, my teaching is being witnessed in their homes, its merits evaluated. It's like everything I have worked towards is finally seeing fruition. This was never going to happen in the school context, where my role as a diverse learning teacher is often looked down on by superiors. In schools, limits are set on what I am able to contribute, but outside of that context, the sky is the limit.

I've finally started to feel significant again.

15 July, 2020

Simple life...

I lead a simple life by most people's standards, yet I'm busy every single day. I'm never idle and don't have much time for leisure activities at present. Yes, it's a bit of a treadmill sometimes, but I still try to make time for the important things in life. I do what I can for the students I teach and tutor. Compassion was once shown towards me at the public high school I attended in Sydney. These actions made a huge difference and I am forever grateful to those educators. Although my skill set is not always recognised within the school context, every so often some sort of acknowledgement by students or parents is received. This keeps me going for a little while longer. Small encouragements mean so much and they cost nothing to give.

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. (Proverbs 3:27)

13 May, 2020

Encouraging feedback...

It's quite a rare occurrence, but every now and again a parent will take the time to send me a simple message of thanks for my tutoring work. It makes it seem worthwhile when I know I'm making a small difference in some students' lives. I have had students where the parents are very instructive towards me (as though I don't know anything after 20+ years of teaching). In those situations, I usually start to realise that it will be hard to make progress with their child. The tutor does need some agency. I am sometimes relieved when these clients discontinue tutoring, whatever reason might be (usually financial). You invest a lot into helping their daughter or son (hours and hours beyond what you're remunerated for), and their child never meets their unrealistic expectations. It's difficult to witness.

But here is a lovely message I received yesterday. This particular parent wanted me to bill her for three hours rather than the two worked due to my preparation time, etc. (such decency is rare indeed). Of course, I said that the payment for two hours will be perfectly fine.

19 April, 2020

Essay - The Truman Show

I was supervising an exam recently and thought I'd give one of the essay questions a go. I haven't studied the film (but have seen it - and love it!), but thought I'd challenge myself for 10 minutes.

Conclusion: it was mighty hard! I have been tutoring students for a while now, but not usually Stage 6 students. I did recently tutor a very talented Stage 6 student who ultimately achieved a Band 6 in English Advanced, but this involved hours of preparation each week. I made no money out of the gig but all of my efforts continue to help me in my EAL/D teaching role, so I don't see it as wasted time. You never stop learning in life, and what you learn is always transferable to other contexts.

Exam essay question:

An engaging text will skilfully blend ideas, language features and form to generate a considered response

Discuss this statement, making close reference to your prescribed text.

My attempt under exam conditions (Introduction only):

Peter Weir's careful composition of the film The Truman Show merges conceptual components with language features and form, resulting in a timeless and meaningful text that continues to challenge its viewers. Significant ideas such as the importance of self-actualisation and human liberty are sensitively conveyed via film techniques and narrative structure. Similarly, the insidious nature of deception, verses the refreshing qualities of compassion and integrity, is adeptly highlighted through casting and camera choices, as well as through flashbacks of Truman's past. Of particular profundity is the cautionary element of corporate-driven storytelling which is infused within the film. This connects directly with contemporary viewers, compelling them to question their own voyeuristic tendencies. The final product is a consciously multilayered text that exposes human strengths and weaknesses, leaving an indelible mark on diverse audiences.

Explanation of Introduction:

OK, so I have no idea of the thrust of the Module and just went out on a limb based solely on the question. That's a vital skill in order to achieve anything above a 'C range' result; you must be able to adapt to the question and fashion your repertoire of knowledge under timed conditions. In this case, I had no extensive knowledge, so could not continue writing. But, I had enough knowledge to write the general statements required for an introduction that addresses the question.

The word engaging in the question is significant as it points to audience response. Word choices related to this are red.

The words skilfully and considered response must also be considered when reading the question because they allude to how well the text is composed to meet its purpose. Related word choices are blue.

The word blend is important to address because it describes the interplay between ideas, film techniques and text structure. Related word choices are pink.

References to ideas are purple. References to language features are orange. References to form are green.

Possible approach to Body Paragraphs:

Body Para 1: The concepts of self-actualisation (Truman's search for meaning) and human liberty (Truman's desire for freedom) should drive this paragraph. In terms of film techniques, you could discuss the camerawork which highlights Truman's growing realisation that he is not living the authentic life he thought he was. In terms of narrative structure, you could discuss the rising tension that is created as Truman questions: his inability to travel, the unresolved relationship with his father, etc.

Body Para 2: The idea of deception verses truth should drive this paragraph. In terms of filmic choices, you could focus on the casting of Truman's best friend, as well as his wife, and how their acting styles reveal their disingenuous relationships with Truman. By contrast, the various close-ups of scenes with Lauren convey the intimacy that Truman has rarely experienced in his life. Flashbacks to these scenes, as well as edits that cut to her perspective as a real-life viewer, provide a powerful insight into the alternative role an audience can assume.

Body Para 3: The concept of corporate-driven storytelling should be the focus of this paragraph. You could comment on Christof's detachment from reality as he pursues commercial success. The ethical issues of a person being adopted by a corporation could be discussed in relation the collective culpability of the feckless viewers. The juxtaposition of the various mises en scène with Truman's vivacity serves to expose the detrimental effects of passive media consumption. Make reference to how the film-going audience is taken from a position of being entertained, to experiencing empathy, to feeling elation by the end of the narrative.

Well, that's just a few ideas anyway. I'd have to actually watch the film to fill in the gaps. Also, never lose sight of the question. Just as I have illustrated with the colour-coding, these threads should be woven right throughout your essay. Imagine the colours scattered within each paragraph. Red and blue should feature heavily in your conclusion.

If you are a senior student who has read this entire blog post (and found it helpful), could you please take a minute to leave me a comment? (anonymous or otherwise) I am trying to gauge whether my blog posts appear in search results. Cheers.

Text by Melanie Davies © 2020


Anonymous May 4, 2021 at 9:14 PM
Wow! Such an amazing and helpful post. I hope that you continue to share work like this in the future.

Anonymous November 4, 2021 at 10:56 AM
This was great! Well written and from a refreshing new perspective. Thanks.

Rayan R September 28, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Dear Melanie, I would like to genuinely thank you for the blog post sharing your Truman Show Introduction, I used your introduction to help me learn how to write a proper Introduction for my essays. It is partly thanks to you that I have achieved what I have for my senior high school years. Once again, thank you.