Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts

29 April, 2016

And love...

Although it's been circulating around Facebook for some time, I love this poster. It encompasses everything I believe (with gorgeous imagery to match):
  • Be kind - I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and show compassion to people less fortunate than myself.
  • Work hard - I always work hard, perhaps too hard, but I do it for the sake of doing my job to the best of my ability.
  • Stay humble - It's important to be aware of where you stand in the the scheme of things. However, I have found the need to exude more self-confidence in order to be taken seriously.
  • Smile often - I do this as often as possible despite my serious and studious personality type!
  • Keep honest - Honesty underpins all aspects of life. I have come to realise, however, that many people have alternative views on the definition of the word. I have learned to be on my guard around those people.
  • Stay loyal - I'm a consistent person who isn't easily swayed.
  • Travel when possible - I'd love to travel more as it's always such an amazing and mind-altering experience.
  • Never stop learning - Well, this is me to a T; I don't believe in stagnating and am always trying to better my knowledge and skills.
  • Be thankful always - Every day, I try to be thankful for what I have rather than bemoaning what I don't have.
  • And, "Above all, love each other deeply..." (Peter 4:8).

    30 July, 2011

    Return from Paradise

     Poolside Flora, Lautoka Hotel, Lautoka, Fiji Islands

    Sunset, Treasure Island, Mamanuca Group, Fiji Islands

    Leaves in the Light, Nausori, Fiji Islands

    I have recently returned home from a short trip to Fiji. My sister and her husband chose to be married over there and had the most quintessential beach wedding (and honeymoon!) possible. As I was a bridesmaid, I didn't have the chance to snap too many pics on the day :( but can't wait to see the professional photos when they emerge. Due to the overall schedule of the trip, there weren't copious opportunities to take photographs but I tried to keep an eye out for interesting subject matter and managed to take a few decent shots. I'm hoping that a couple of shots will make successful photographic cards for my market stall.

    Fiji is a beautiful country. I love the way in which any form of travel forces you to reflect and, in some ways, creates a mindshift within you. It's because you're away from the humdrum and routine of everyday life (not that my life is particularly routinised since leaving teaching). I haven't quite returned to 'reality' yet. Having neglected 'Green Gifts' for the entire month of June, I'm dreadfully low in stock and in no position to visit potential stockists who, undoubtedly, will not wait for me forever! I'll just have to hope for the best. Fiji was worth it...