Showing posts with label heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart. Show all posts

13 July, 2024

Persuasion (2022)

I’ve read the novel and seen all the films. I love, love, love Austen but I’m not a purist - coexistence of all texts is possible in my mind. Overall, I enjoyed the 2022 Netflix production of Persuasion. While it's more of an 'free adaptation' rather than a 'commentary' or 'transposition', it is a decidedly refreshing interpretation of the original text.

Implausible Parts

1. It seems unlikely that the Anne in this film could have been persuaded into doing anything against her will (she was 19 and Wentworth had no notability, so perhaps she was influenced).
2. Anne Elliot would have never pointed out that she was Charles Musgrave’s first choice for a wife.
3. Anne’s octopus story upon meeting Lady Dalrymple was quite simply bizarre.

Funny Moments

1. Allusions to 'Bridget Jones's Diary'
2. Anne’s sassy internal monologues 
3. Anne’s attempt to do a ‘bush wee’ (crude but relatable)

Unusual or Perplexing Elements

1.  Breaking of the 4th wall (once is nice; numerous is unnerving)
2. Rabbit motif (featured with Anne in several scenes)
3. Anne seeking a long, tight hug from her nephew to feel some affection (I’ve never been keen on adults soliciting such hugs from children in this manner)
4. Wentworth is played as too stiff and formal, which clashes with Anne’s more relaxed persona.


1. Shows the lovers’ past relationship at the start of the film, providing an insight into their bond
2. Gorgeous cinematography
3. Clever score and non-diegetic sound choices
4. First person point of view (Anne’s)
5. Louisa Musgrave's defence of Anne’s character (despite her own interest in Frederick Wentworth)

“Nobody tells you when you are young that life keeps going. It keeps going whether you approve of the progression or not. Eventually you find yourself wondering, ‘How did I end up here?’” (Anne Elliot)

18 April, 2020

Christianity in the 'West'

Throughout my relatively short lifetime, I have seen Christianity decline in Australia. The sons and daughters of those who never had much (or any) belief in Jesus are now having children of their own. These children are followers of the world's ideologies, not of Christ's teachings. I must confess, it's getting harder to live in a world where so many people hold a different worldview to mine. I sometimes cry due the callousness and ignorance of those who openly oppose Jesus. People often have some sort of moral compass, but when it comes to the sanctity of human life, many are driven by agendas that fly in the face of Christianity. Is it Christians they can't stand, or Christ himself? I think it's both. It comes down to the discomfort they feel when considering their own 'humanness'.

I recently read a small news segment in the October 2019 edition of 'Forward in Christ' magazine (Vol. 12, No. 3, p. 4). These magazines are always an interesting read, but there is a common thread: Christianity is continuing to be warped and twisted by those who have no desire to know Christ.

Seminary Confesses to Plants: In a bizarre chapel ceremony in September, students at Union Theological Seminary (UTS), New York, confessed their sins to a collection of potted plants. The verdant seminary described the event on social media, tweeting, "Today in chapel, we confessed to plants. Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor. What do you confess to the plants in your life?"

One seminarian answered, "Here was my confession. ‘I confess that even as I’ve waxed poetic and theological about how indispensable you are, I’ve privileged my own comfort and convenience over your well-being.'" 

I’ve privileged my own comfort and convenience over your wellbeing? Seminarians at UTS might want to apply that same line of reasoning to abortion, which the school enthusiastically supports.

Image credit: South Pacific Prints

"These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God." (Matthew 15: 8-9, New Living Translation)

03 January, 2020

Just be decent...

This is OK as long as:
- realness isn't justification for rudeness;
- imperfections don't correlate with being unfair;
- flaws do not include continual dishonesty;
- quirks excludes putting on the tears to get your way (literally!).

I recently worked with a woman who displayed the traits outlined above. She was always comfortable being herself. The only problem was that she was wily and manipulative. These kinds of quotes have many interpretations. They rely on the assumption that people are decent at heart. But what if they aren't? Should we just tell everyone to 'be themselves'? I get what the quote is saying, but some people spin it their own way (like my former colleague) and let me tell you, working with her was not my idea of fun.

08 April, 2011

Colour Me Happy!

I'm branching out with a few more boldly-coloured cards lately. It's really enjoyable trying to make a diverse range to cater to different peoples' likes. Things have been very busy, both personally and with Green Gifts, so I haven't had much time to blog. If you've visited my market stall lately, feel free to drop me a line. All feedback and suggestions are welcome :)