Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

26 December, 2013

Christmas Greetings

Vegetarian 'Christmas' Platter & Seafood Salad (background)

Hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas Day! I made my usual seafood salad (which everyone has come to expect--there is bitter disappointment if I don't!) and another tray of separate offerings for vegetarians etc. The seafood salad actually worked out a bit nicer this time. I think it changes slightly every year--I should jot down this combination of ingredients before I forget...

2014 is going to be a busy year, with lots of things on my plate. I have some new plans to improve my hobby business but I won't be pushing it too hard due to family and other commitments.

Best wishes for the New Year, and I look forward to receiving your new order requests, whether it be for handmade cards, event stationery or something else you're interested in.

2013 - Year in Review

It's been a whirlwind of a year with periods of extreme busyness, as well as a significant break in the middle when I visited family in Europe (the last time was 33 years ago!)  Travelling sure is addictive. I think it's a combination of experiencing new things as well as leaving reality behind. I always seem to be in a dream state when travelling to new places--I just love the aesthetics and beauty of different environments. Paris, in particular, is full of eclectisim and creativity. I'd love to return one day... 

Productivity has been inconsistent this year due to preparing for and going on this trip. For a couple of months I had to put everything for 'Green Gifts' on hold. Of course, I still had the pay online fees etc., but that's life! At least these fees aren't anything like the financial pressures faced by a 'bricks and mortar' store.

Despite the break (which was wonderful btw), my little hobby business has continued to grow. I am working towards it becoming a fully self-supporting business by June 2014. I have continued to diversify my handmade stationery range and have improved the quality of these products too. I have also figured out more efficient ways to communicate with customers, as this has been a great drain on my time in previous years.

On the markets front, I have been surviving, just. Tourism in the Blue Mountains has dropped due to roadworks, bushfires, inclement weather, and global economic pressures on visitors. It is getting to the stage of not being worthwhile but I will stick with it for the moment. Most days, I walk away with very little for my 8 hours at the market.

I am so glad that I have been able to persist with this hobby business. Daily creativity is so important to me and the teaching profession was gradually suffocating that love. It has been extremely hard, and many times I have nearly given up, but it is becoming a little easier as time goes on. There have been some great sacrifices, but I think it has been and will continue to be worth it :)

19 November, 2013

Have a Handmade Christmas!

Christmas will soon be upon us, and I've begun making handmade cards, wrapping paper and gifts for a range of family and friends. Yes, I could just chuck money at it, but what would be the point? It's so much better to make something meaningful for people--I abhor the mass-production that taints the season. For example, last year, I made a $25 gift for someone, which took 3 hours, but was completely unique! How much easier would it have been to throw $25 over the counter at some chain store down in mall city? Very easy but, instead, I printed out a collection of this person's favourite photographs and made them into colourful, A6-sized greeting cards with coordinating C6 envelopes. Very pretty, and perhaps a slight abuse of my facebook friendship, but the recipient really appreciated the sentiment :)

As is customary at this time of year, I've updated my blog header/banner. Last year (2012-2013), I chose a photograph I took in Fiji in 2011 (shown below). Perhaps not very Blue Mountains-ish but an 'ode' to my favourite (and to my favourite part of the planet, the South Pacific Islands). People sometimes ask me, "Why Green Gifts?" (a number of my products are not 'green' in the environmental sense of the word, but I am constantly striving for this--it's just a matter of continuing to convince the Australian public to embrace it too...)

For the year ahead (2013-2014), I've cropped an image that I took in Paris of a lady beetle on a rose (blog header above). As people wandered past the rose garden in 'Jardin des Plantes', the main botanical garden in France, they stared at me as though I was crazy. What on earth is she looking at? The average passer-by took shots of the whole rose garden, and rarely ventured to the macro level (which invariably involves crouching, body twisting, stillness of hand, and a hell of a lot of patience!) I was happy with the few shots I was able to capture with my rudimentary digital camera and have created photographic cards from some of the better images.

So, "Why Green Gifts?" I love nature, trees, leaves, the colour green, and a number of my products reflect this. I'm always seeking to incorporate 100% recycled paper/cardstock into my cardmaking & stationery range and try to make use of reclaimed materials, especially in my cardmaking. Handmade, local production is also sustainable (i.e. less waste, minimal carbon impact) and doesn't have the same effect as mass-production does on the environment. I encourage you to consider both the direct and indirect impact of your purchasing choices on the global environment, as you prepare for Christmas this year :)

Blog Banner 2012-2013

12 December, 2011

Think handmade this Christmas!

Think handmade this Christmas! Christmas has become more commercialised of late, so why not inject a little bit of authenticism into your gifts, greetings and wrappings. One brochure I saw recently said, "Have yourself an organised Christmas!" Is this what Christmas has become--a frantic time of year that merely requires organisation and the hope for survival?

So, why not make your gifts stand out from the crowd. I will have handmade wrapping paper and gifts tags available as a pack this Sunday. For only $10, the pack includes 5 sheets (large size) of handmade wrapping paper and 10 gifts tags!

Handmade Christmas cards will also be available. Prices start at $2.00 per card. I try to make my Christmas cards as affordable as possible because of the quantity that people need at this time of year. My cards are suitable for posting and are particularly suitable for close friends and family who you'd like to make feel special. It is also nice to have that opportunity to write a special message inside each card, perhaps a quick summary of what you've appreciated in 2011 and blessings for the New Year.

I also have a lovely range of Christmas photographic cards for $3.00 each (example pictured above).

Even if it's raining, I look forward to your visit at my market stall this Sunday!

2011 - Year in Review

This year has passed by so quickly but, I'm happy to say, it has been a little easier than last. I'm trying to work smarter, rather than harder, and have gained more time for family and friends.

Despite the effect of the global economy on tourism in the Blue Mountains over the last couple of years, my sales have gradually been improving. I'm still classified as a hobbyist at this stage but intend to keep developing 'Green Gifts' as a business concept in 2012.

A number of customers have urged me to sell online, which is a huge undertaking to do properly, but I think it will be a worthwhile venture in the oncoming year. I still prefer face-to-face contact with customers at markets but the online world does have the potential for a much larger customer base.

A would love to approach some potential stockists in 2012 but this is dependent on having the time to create enough suitable stock (namely cards) before they're sold at the markets!

On that note, I do need to make a concerted effort to manage my time better in 2012. Which means less time on the internet and more time dedicated to organising/creating/working!

25 November, 2011

Dreary Mountains' Days

With summer approaching, I thought it was time to brighten up my blog with a new banner. The photo of wattle at the very top of this page (now pictured below) was taken some time ago in Penrith on one of those glorious days--such a blue sky! Days like that have been a rarity this year and last in the mountains, as it has rained often. I don't mind the rain but I always worry about my house because it really does need new guttering and drainage systems, as well as other rain barriers. This year has been an eventful year, with the trip to Fiji for my sister's wedding being the highlight. I'm very busy lately, especially with Christmas approaching, but the rain does put a bit of a damper on the markets scene. As a result, I will be developing online purchasing options in a serious way in 2012. For handmade Christmas cards, wrapping paper and gifts, please drop by my market stall in the oncoming weeks. Looking forward to seeing you!

 Blog Banner 2011-2012

09 September, 2011

New Photographic Cards

I'm always adding new photographic cards to the collection, and hope to have some fresh designs ready for Christmas (yes, people have already started thinking about it!) I took this picture at The Blue Mountains Botanic Garden, Mount Tomah earlier this year. It was a gorgeous day after a rainy week and I thoroughly enjoyed the cool climate atmosphere. It's well worth a visit if you love botanic diversity and aesthetic views.

Mounted photographic cards are $2.50 each (professionally printed card designs are $3.00 each) and come with a coordinating envelope. If you are interested in purchasing any, please email me and I can send you attachments of some of my most popular images (or check out images on this blog). These cards are perfect for sending to loved ones overseas as all of the photos have been taken in Australia and the South Pacific. I accept bank deposit and PayPal (the same options offered on the 'online markets' madeit and Etsy).

23 December, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hi all! It's been an incredibly busy year and, in some ways, even busier than my previous job. Yes, I have come to view 'Green Gifts' as a job, even though the hours spent are not yet generating an income as such! It's a lot more time-consuming than I first thought, but definitely worth it. I'm very blessed to be able to explore my creativity on a daily basis and, the more I do it, the more I realise that I'm just scratching the surface. It feels very satisfying. On the flip-side, my house is totally trashed and I have let a lot of things slide during 2010. I'm optimistic that 2011 will bring more time to take care of basic household things, as this year has been spent building up so many ideas and concepts for my market stall and online shop.

Thank you to everyone who checks my blog from time-to-time, and to the random visitors from all around the world. If you like a design, please leave feedback by clicking on the Reader's Response boxes at the bottom of each post you read. Have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year. Keep checking back for new ideas and products throughout 2011.

Materials: Pre-printed cardstock by Grace Taylor, stamps by Stamp-It and Hero Arts, leaves die by Sizzix, water-based resin; This card is hand: stamped, cut, diecut, glued and embellished.

12 November, 2010

♥ the colour green!

Materials: Cuttlebug Cindy Loo embossing folder, inks, rubber stamps, foam mounting squares; This card has been hand: cut, torn, glued, dry embossed, inked, coloured and mounted.

One of my fellow stallholders was looking through my handmade cards recently and commented that my Christmas cards were rather unimaginative, as I had made them in the colours of red and green. She pointed out that 'Christmas' can be any colour. I do agree but I secretly like the opportunity to use the colour green in my creations! It's not a colour that is generally very popular, so Christmas gives me an excuse to go crazy with it! This card is a case in point. It's got it all--a spiritual theme (rather than a garish 'santa' or similar), dry embossing, leaves, my own handmade recycled paper, and many shades of green.

2010 - Year in Review

My primary aim this year has been to gradually use the numerous craft supplies and tools I've bought over the years! I've always had good intentions but never had the time to explore my creativity deeply (due to being a dedicated school teacher) .

The feedback received from customers thus far has been very encouraging, so I will continue to attend craft markets in the Blue Mountains and Sydney, as well as increase online ordering options. If you would like to purchase anything, please feel free to contact me.

It has been a privilege to teach some cardmaking classes in and around Sydney this year, and I would love to continue doing this in the future.

It has been an extremely busy year, with a lot of new developments, but I'm enjoying every moment of it and plan to continually improve the scope of my handmade products in 2011.

04 November, 2010

So Busy!

It's been such a busy week, and blogging probably doesn't help my cause, but I've been pretty excited by all the things I have been doing--new photographic cards, preparation for a cardmaking workshop I'm running and trying to get ready for upcoming markets. Thought I'd post a few of my recent hand drawn cards, as it's such a cathartic pastime.

28 September, 2010

Christmas Photographic Cards

I've just received a new order of professionally-printed photographic cards and I'm really happy with them. They're vibrant and work well with coordinating envelopes. If you are interested in ordering any of these cards, I can post between 15-16 cards for $6.95 by registered post. These cards are perfect for sending to loved ones overseas as all of the photos have been taken in Australia. I accept bank deposit and PayPal. Printed cards are $3.00 each and you will receive a free card up to the value of $2.50 for every $20 spent. Please mention this post.

15 September, 2010

Photographic Cards - Aussie Images

Customers are already starting to ask me about Christmas gifts and cards! (I guess some people like to get organised early--I've always been one of those people who leaves everything to the last minute!) So, I have been designing some photographic cards with an Aussie flavour. I have just received an online order for photographic cards from a customer today. If you are interested in purchasing any, please email me and I can send you attachments of some of my most popular designs (or check out images on this blog). Professionally-printed photographic cards are $3 each. For every $20 you spend, you will receive a free photographic card up to the value of $2.50. Please mention this post.