29 April, 2016

And love...

Although it's been circulating around Facebook for some time, I love this poster. It encompasses everything I believe (with gorgeous imagery to match):
  • Be kind - I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and show compassion to people less fortunate than myself.
  • Work hard - I always work hard, perhaps too hard, but I do it for the sake of doing my job to the best of my ability.
  • Stay humble - It's important to be aware of where you stand in the the scheme of things. However, I have found the need to exude more self-confidence in order to be taken seriously.
  • Smile often - I do this as often as possible despite my serious and studious personality type!
  • Keep honest - Honesty underpins all aspects of life. I have come to realise, however, that many people have alternative views on the definition of the word. I have learned to be on my guard around those people.
  • Stay loyal - I'm a consistent person who isn't easily swayed.
  • Travel when possible - I'd love to travel more as it's always such an amazing and mind-altering experience.
  • Never stop learning - Well, this is me to a T; I don't believe in stagnating and am always trying to better my knowledge and skills.
  • Be thankful always - Every day, I try to be thankful for what I have rather than bemoaning what I don't have.
  • And, "Above all, love each other deeply..." (Peter 4:8).

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