01 October, 2013

So, so busy!

'Starry Night Over the Rhone' by Vincent van Gogh, Musée d'Orsay, Paris

I'm certainly rejuvenated after my trip overseas. There were so many inspiring and creative moments. I'm still reflecting on them every day. Paris was such a visual feast of culture, art, beauty, food and architecture. Amsterdam was quirky, fun, contemporary and clever. However, it's been right back into it all since returning. I'm yet to scrapbook the trip (that's a dream at this point) and I'm gradually wading through the photos taken.

I never anticipated that my little hobby business could become so busy. As I have improved my products and images, there have been countless requests for customised stationery. It's still a tough gig each and every day, but it's gradually getting easier.  I'm still experiencing a lot of people who are wasting my time and, although I'm getting better at recognising them, they still manage to catch me off-guard. Not coming from a retail background, I am surprised by the number of people who do not have regard for other people's time. Examples include: unreasonable requests for very little payment, rude and impatient emails, genuine sample requests followed by nothing, invasive questions about how an item is made (for replication)...the list goes on.

It's taught me a lot about myself, about the Australian public, about the younger generation, about how artisans are viewed, about consumerism, about this crazy world we live in. But, for the first time in my life, I feel truly free. Being a hard worker by nature, and a bit of a perfectionist, it was difficult being at the mercy of a jealous boss, unfair leader, colleagues who took and never gave etc. I often felt plagued by the thanklessness of the teaching profession. It's not why you do it but, we're all human, and everyone needs some form of feedback. Even the retail world has more to offer in that department (who would have thought!)

I'm still loving the journey--have no idea if there's even a destination at this stage!

16 August, 2013

Back on the horse!

Since returning from overseas, it has been busy. That time away gave me the opportunity to mull things over and rethink my online stores a little. Hundreds of eBay members wasted my time last year with empty enquiries, some even trying to gain free digital files (the very nerve!) I had one or two tears over a couple of very shrewd time-wasters who tried to take advantage of me :( I am determined not to let this happen again...

My listings now state some clear 'Terms of Sale' and this is having the effect of deterring the non-serious buyers (yay!) I also have 'Genuine Enquiries Only' plastered all over my store. The time away allowed me to step back a little and reassess why I am doing this. I enjoy making things but I'm lucky to be working for $5.00 per hour (usually less). I really only want to deal with people who love my creative items and appreciate them :) It just becomes exceedingly unenjoyable otherwise.

The card here is the one I gave to my Uncle & Aunt for their 40th Wedding Anniversary in Holland. I got a little overexcited but it is an event truly worth celebrating. It was wonderful to meet up with some of my other relatives too. My Uncle & Aunt's children (my cousins) are so lovely, and it was great to meet their children too. May I encourage whoever is reading this to just drop everything and go away from time-to-time. It helps you to step back and think rationally about where your life is heading...

I still love doing this and felt very blessed last weekend when many of my handmade cards sold at my market stall. I received some very encouraging comments too :) It keeps me going. I don't post my best cards on this blog by any means. The www is just a place for others to take, take, take. But if you remember the cards you have bought before, I would be happy to remake them for you (as I have done for regular customers). Browsing the posts in this blog is a little futile, as it contains just a glimpse of the odd handmade card. I have 1000's of digital pics of designs I have made over the years. I'm only too happy to put together a custom order for you! Looking forward to hearing from you :)

25 July, 2013

Back from holidays!

Photos of French macarons I purchased in Paris

I've finally returned from being overseas to celebrate the 40th Wedding Anniversary of my Uncle and Aunt, alongside other relatives. It was a wonderful time and, in many ways, has fulfilled a lifelong dream to return to Holland, as well as visit Paris for the first time. 

I'm gradually getting back into the swing of things. Returning to doing my market stall began immediately and my online stores will be back up and running soon. Due to so many other commitments at present, I won't be doing my hobby business as 'full-ball' as I was. Making handmade, unique items gives me great joy, but it is also very time-consuming. I need to take some time out to complete home renovations, so will be aiming to merely cover costs in the near future (item materials, online store fees, PayPal charges, etc.).

Paris was a wonderful whirlwind of colour and design. I bought some lovely French papers and a few other gorgeous items which inspired me. I've already made a few greeting cards and look forward to creating more. Stay-tuned for piccies that will be posted on this blog. 

Photography, a great passion of mine, although I remain a novice, is something I experimented with further in Holland and Paris with my rudimentary digital camera. I managed to take a few unique shots, which will soon be made into photographic cards for my market stall. At $2.50 each, I hope they are well-received by my regular customers as well as visitors to the Blue Mountains.

At my market stall, I am trying to increase my range of handmade cards, so please pop in to check them out. Although I put a lot of effort into my handcrafted fashion jewellery items, cardmaking is what keeps the creativity flowing. Looking forward to seeing you soon :)

01 May, 2013

It's been a while...

Dry embossed, inked & hand cut lion motif adhered to folded A5 card

Thought I'd better add a post to let you know that I'm still here, busily making creative things. If you have seen something you would like to purchase in one of my online stores, or at my market stall, please feel free to contact me with your order enquiry. You can email me at the address listed on this site, via facebook, or via the contact form in my online store: http://greengifts.bigcartel.com/contact

It's been a very busy year and, at the start (I must confess), I allowed myself to be bogged down by mindless eBay enquiries. Although it is excellent that eBay has such an open messaging system, it does encourage empty, time-wasting enquiries. I was spending up to 2 hours per day responding to these messages, only for majority of them to lead to nothing.

I soon tired of this and closed my store temporarily. Of late, I have been putting a lot more effort into my market stall here in the Blue Mountains. This has been so much more rewarding, and I have been selling a record number of handmade cards, which absolutely thrills me to bits! A card is like a mini artwork to me--anything is possible, and I like to think that every recipient feels a little bit of joy when receiving one.

With my eBay store closed at present, I actually feel quite relieved. I'm now receiving genuine enquiries through this site and my other online store. It has also been wonderful to receive ongoing orders from regular customers and via word-of-mouth. These are the customers I really appreciate--they like my products & prices, and respect the time that goes into making everything. Some eBay members think it's acceptable to send up to 50 emails over a simple order. It isn't! (even 10 messages is too many!) I am getting better at filtering out this kind of buyer, so I have more time to spend on alternative orders :)

Thanks to all of my previous and current customers for your ongoing support & communication :)

19 February, 2013

Steady as she goes...

Well, it's another new year for Green Gifts! It has started off with a bang--so many orders that I really can't keep up. I have had to shut the doors of my eBay store a couple of times already. This is a good thing but also a bad thing. I still have to pay fees--the store is always open behind the scenes. I guess this mirrors the real world--you pay rent whether you're home or not; your lease continues whether you're open for business or not...

I have also started another online store with lower fees, in order to sell to a wider range of customers, whether they're eBay members or not. It's a fantastic interface and I just love the aesthetics of each page. It gives me great joy to make it look 'pretty', and my customers are finding it very appealing too. I am so thrilled that the items in this store are not 'counting down'. They just sit there and I don't have to worry too much if some things don't sell--there's no 'ticking' auction-style clock, which is very relieving (more like a real store, where stock can gradually be built up over time).

On the flip-side, my second online store gets very little natural traffic (I'm directing customers to it at present). I'm not too worried at the moment, but I'll need to start promoting it at some stage. I've never been great at self-promotion--I really just prefer people to 'discover' my products. If they like them, they will keep returning :) It's their impetus to contact me. However, in the world of e-commerce, people are fickle and will just go elsewhere if it's not 'easy'. It's a slow way to gain a customer base...

But I'm patient--always have believed in doing things well over time. It starts off very slowly, then gradually builds in momentum. After three and a half years of doing this, I am starting to see some real progress in my small hobby business! This is exciting because it means that I'm gradually starting to emerge from my 'sweat-shop'. On the markets front, I had a very encouraging day last weekend, with a few regular customers coming in just for my handmade cards. They have 'discovered' my cards, but more regular customers would be even better! (gotta self-promote...eek)

14 December, 2012

2012 - Year in Review

Well, what a year! My focus for 'Green Gifts' shifted this year with the start of an online store. I had been paying fees on it for around 18 months, whilst doing research, but the delay was worthwhile--there are so many elements to running an online store, and I'm glad I considered them fully before embarking on it (a lot of time & money would have been wasted if I had just launched into it straight away).

On the whole, I just allowed the store to evolve as people made stationery requests for their special events/projects. Next year, I would like to introduce some more creative items to my store, as I have been neglecting this shockingly throughout 2012!

On the markets front, I have been surviving, just. Tourism in the Blue Mountains has dropped a little and tighter OHS regulations at the market I attend has affected sales too. Partially, I am responsible for a less-than-successful year at the markets, as I haven't been keeping up with stock levels on account of my online store. It's a balancing act and I hope to do it more effectively in 2013.

I am still loving this hobby business, which is gradually growing into something real. The appreciation and positivity received from customers this year has actually been very rewarding :) As such, I am not convinced that I'll ever fully return to my previous occupation...

'Ode' to Fiji