18 April, 2020

Christianity in the 'West'

Throughout my relatively short lifetime, I have seen Christianity decline in Australia. The sons and daughters of those who never had much (or any) belief in Jesus are now having children of their own. These children are followers of the world's ideologies, not of Christ's teachings. I must confess, it's getting harder to live in a world where so many people hold a different worldview to mine. I sometimes cry due the callousness and ignorance of those who openly oppose Jesus. People often have some sort of moral compass, but when it comes to the sanctity of human life, many are driven by agendas that fly in the face of Christianity. Is it Christians they can't stand, or Christ himself? I think it's both. It comes down to the discomfort they feel when considering their own 'humanness'.

I recently read a small news segment in the October 2019 edition of 'Forward in Christ' magazine (Vol. 12, No. 3, p. 4). These magazines are always an interesting read, but there is a common thread: Christianity is continuing to be warped and twisted by those who have no desire to know Christ.

Seminary Confesses to Plants: In a bizarre chapel ceremony in September, students at Union Theological Seminary (UTS), New York, confessed their sins to a collection of potted plants. The verdant seminary described the event on social media, tweeting, "Today in chapel, we confessed to plants. Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor. What do you confess to the plants in your life?"

One seminarian answered, "Here was my confession. ‘I confess that even as I’ve waxed poetic and theological about how indispensable you are, I’ve privileged my own comfort and convenience over your well-being.'" 

I’ve privileged my own comfort and convenience over your wellbeing? Seminarians at UTS might want to apply that same line of reasoning to abortion, which the school enthusiastically supports.

Image credit: South Pacific Prints

"These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God." (Matthew 15: 8-9, New Living Translation)

07 February, 2020

A rare leader in education...

Every now and again, you meet a truly remarkable educator--someone with passion, wisdom and the skills to inspire. These teachers are becoming increasingly rare, or perhaps it's just that I'm not in the right place. Jenny, your leadership is greatly missed. Thank you for your encouragement and kind words:

Dear Melanie,

I hope you have a year where you feel challenged and given scope to forge your wonderful talents. The students benefit enormously from you because you know your subject so well and have the depth of intelligence and curiosity that makes students feel confident and trusting of you. I now view so much through the prism of what I'd like for my granddaughter and grandson, and my wish would be for them to have teachers like you. Treasure your career; you are so capable and have so much more to give.

Jenny xx

03 January, 2020

Just be decent...

This is OK as long as:
- realness isn't justification for rudeness;
- imperfections don't correlate with being unfair;
- flaws do not include continual dishonesty;
- quirks excludes putting on the tears to get your way (literally!).

I recently worked with a woman who displayed the traits outlined above. She was always comfortable being herself. The only problem was that she was wily and manipulative. These kinds of quotes have many interpretations. They rely on the assumption that people are decent at heart. But what if they aren't? Should we just tell everyone to 'be themselves'? I get what the quote is saying, but some people spin it their own way (like my former colleague) and let me tell you, working with her was not my idea of fun.

17 December, 2019

Seeing right through them...

When you're person who has such deep beliefs about decency and honesty and fairness, it becomes increasingly hard to be surrounded by those who don't hold these values in high esteem. Perhaps they think they do, but delusion tends to run rampant in those who want to defend their daily routine of earning the most money for the least amount of work. 

I have witnessed so many lies in action, so much cunning. I thought that my superiors wouldn't appreciate that element in their workplace, but I was sadly mistaken. No leader likes it when such glaring deceptions are pointed out because they tend to take it personally - sometimes they have even aided and abetted the dishonest ones for their own gain. Being able to see right through people is such a curse. You usually catch a glimpse of something genuine, of course, but people's self-protective reflexes often end up slapping you right in the face. 

I have witnessed lies about hours worked, jobs completed and colleagues' actions. It's been a dog-eat-dog web of deceit that has challenged my sensibilities to the core. Yet, I have had to remain a silent witness. It has affected the meaning I attribute to my job aa many questions began to emerge: Who else is faking it for self-profit, for self-aggrandisement? Who is willing to punish those who care because the carers ventured a little too closely to the truth?

Liars are bowed down to and the lazy are rewarded. And so it goes...

01 June, 2019

Love this!

A - Appreciate; B - Build something; C - Connect; D - Do what is difficult; E - Explore; F - Forgive; G - Gather; H - Honour; I - Ignore the skeptics; J - Just be; K - Know you are loved; L - Listen; M - Make; N - Nourish body and soul; O - Observe; P - Plant a seed; Q - Question; R - Read; S - Stretch; T - Try something new; U - Unplug; V - Vote; W - Wonder; X - EXpress your gratitude; Y - Say Yes to adventure; Z - Get enough Zzzzz

28 July, 2018

Gladstone, Queensland

I was recently in Gladstone, Central Queensland, and it was a surreal experience. There was a bit of a disconnect: the people were very proud of their industrial town, whilst the many visitors from Sydney, Melbourne, etc. had difficulty viewing it through the same rose-coloured glasses. I applaud the great sense of pride the locals displayed, and Gladstone has certainly grown into a thriving town, but this is primarily due to the expansive industry in the area such as the gas processing plant, electricity power plant and the aluminium refinery. The environmental effects of this industry (e.g. dredging to expand it) made it difficult to see the place in the same positive light. I know that industry needs to exist and that it brings prosperity to a town like Gladstone and Queensland itself, but what will happen when the power plant shuts in 2028, or when many of the industry jobs become automated? I am interested in knowing how the town will become self-sustainable? A large percentage of the money is being taken by Rio Tinto, etc. (i.e. millions of dollars are going offshore daily), and at what price?

I am not meaning to come across as a rampant greenie or ignorant of the situation--I know that the industry creates a lot of employment in the Southern Great Barrier Reef area. As an outsider looking in, however, I have been influenced by the conservationist cause. I welcome comments from Gladstone locals and am happy to be set straight. I'm sure that I have many misunderstandings about the whole situation. Please leave a comment below.